A team is developing an application. Each developer works on a copy of the DB (as should)
When the DB Schema is changed a script is used to roll-out the changes.
But what about the Database Diagram? How can each developer have an updated Schema?
USE DATABASE_NAMEReplace 'Diagram_Name' with the name of the diagram we want to copy.
Query => Results To => Results to text
Run the script:
DECLARE @line NVARCHAR(MAX)='' ,@index INT=1 ,@chunk INT=32 ,@diagram_id INT=(SELECT diagram_id FROM sysdiagrams WHERE name='Diagram_Name') ,@newId INT=0; DECLARE @size INT=(SELECT DATALENGTH(definition) FROM sysdiagrams WHERE diagram_id=@diagram_id); SELECT @line = 'INSERT INTO sysdiagrams ([name], [principal_id], [version], [definition])' + ' VALUES (''' + [name] + ''', '+ CAST (principal_id AS VARCHAR(100))+', '+CAST (version AS VARCHAR(100))+', 0x);' FROM sysdiagrams WHERE diagram_id = @diagram_id PRINT 'SET NOCOUNT ON' PRINT 'DECLARE @id INT;' PRINT @line PRINT 'SET @id=SCOPE_IDENTITY();' WHILE @index < @size BEGIN SELECT @line = 'UPDATE sysdiagrams SET [definition] .Write (' + ' ' + UPPER(sys.fn_varbintohexstr (SUBSTRING (definition, @index, @chunk))) + ', null, 0) WHERE diagram_id = @id;' -- index:' + CAST(@index AS VARCHAR(100)) FROM sysdiagrams WHERE diagram_id = @diagram_id PRINT @line SET @index = @index + @chunk END
- In the results windows an UPDATE_SCRIPT is output that can recreate the Database Diagram.
- Send the UPDATE_SCRIPT to target computer.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio.
- New Query
- Select target Database
- If there is no diagram click on Database_Diagrams and confirm to let Management Studio create sysdiagrams table.
- If an older version of the diagram exists, delete it.
- Refresh Database to see the created Diagram.
- You are done.