

SVG Javascript with events

I need a widget displaying the months of the year. I implemented using SVG and not by Canvas because I needed the capability of SVG to assign events to any element of the picture.
  • The user should be able to select a month by clicking on it
  • The widget should give an event for every month change
  • The user should be able to deselect a month by clicking on it or at the center of the wheel.
It really works! Try it.

sqlite c# wrapper usage

I wanted to use sqlite from C# and I created a wrapper. The wrapper was published in the previous post:Sqlite c# wrapper.
I found some nice projects doing almost the same thing but I wanted to be able to use the latest version of sqlite just as it comes out of the pipeline.
I hate it when I have to wait for months for the latest version to be ported to the environment I use for development.

sqlite c# wrapper

Here are the classes to include in your C# project, so that you can use sqlite. The classes should work without problem with sqlite version 3.7.4 2010-12-08.
If you find any problem you can mail me at moc.liamg@oirakp (do not copy paste, it is written rtl and set ltr by CSS) or you can leave a message. I you need a feature, that I did not implement, you can tell me, but no promises here.
The usage of the classes is covered in the next post: Sqlite c# usage.

Div based Infobox with CSS3


<div class="infobox"
><div class="head">Titlos</div
><div class="body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nam ut mi imperdiet nibh laoreet porta at ut felis. 
Etiam cursus diam a justo lobortis congue. 
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 
Fusce ac pellentesque eros. 
Aenean porta sem id lectus cursus luctus. 
Maecenas sagittis augue non enim laoreet congue. 
Maecenas pretium varius nulla non molestie. 